Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Interviews...and why I blame Lloyd Dobler...

I've been interviewing for jobs lately.

I did what a lot of moms did...I gave up my career so that I could work around my kids.

The problem with getting off the career highway is once you change paths you often realize that wasn't the road you were supposed to be on in the first place! Mortgage Banking!?

Like many women my age, I now find myself in a conundrum.

I am in need a job but having a career that is fulfilling and something that I would enjoy seems elusive and plainly out-of-reach. I do not have the availability, drive, determination or desire to be cutthroat enough to get to a similar position to the one I had before I decided to play "Mommy".

I think I've determined the cause of my discontent regarding the jobs currently available.

It's Lloyd Dobler's fault. Yes. Lloyd Dobler-the fictional Cameron Crowe creation brought to life brilliantly by the iconic '80's actor John Cusack in the classic 1989 film Say Anything.

Why Lloyd Dobler you say? It's his speech he gives the John Mahoney character about what he intends to do for a career. He's not entirely certain what he will do but knows with great clarity what he doesn't want to do.

I don't want to sell anything, buy anything, or process anything as a career. I don't want to sell anything bought or processed, or buy anything sold or processed, or process anything sold, bought, or processed, or repair anything sold, bought, or processed. You know, as a career, I don't want to do that.

Now I will continue to interview for jobs that I can't get very excited about...the jobs that I've truly enjoyed don't "pay". Maybe even someday my version of Lloyd's kickboxing (my writing) may even pay the bills...but for now I need to practice my pithy responses to "And tell me where you see yourself in five years. And what would you say your greatest strength is?"

In five year's time I hope to find myself to be a happy wife and soccer-mom with a published book or two under my metaphoric belt. I also hope that fortitude will be my greatest strength in the event that my wished-for future doesn't materialize and instead I'm asking if that was a Tall or Grande Latte.